It’s a Flimsy!

Stars & Pinwheels (53' x 61')

I took the blocks for this quilt along to quilt class on Thursday to get the girls’ opinions on whether I should make more blocks (which I didn’t really want to do) to turn this quilt from a rectangle (ick!) to a square.

They all agreed that it would look perfect as a rectangle and told me to get over myself and just to make into a top 🙂

I don’t know why but I just have issues with rectangular quilts.  I much prefer square ones.  However, I didn’t really want to make more blocks to make it into a square.  Although in hind sight I could have just made it 5×5 and then put the ‘extra’ blocks on the back.

Oh well….

I spent Saturday sewing the blocks together.  Part of Sunday putting on the pink peeper border and yesterday putting on the green border and I think I’ll bind it in the same pink as the peeper border.

It’s ended up quite large – the same size as Galaxy of Scraps – 53 x 61 which makes me happy as now you can’t really tell it’s a rectangle 🙂

Looking at it, I really wish I had of used darker pinks to make the secondary pattern pop.  Perhaps next time?

Although, this one has taken forever!  It is a real ‘bitsy’ quilt and trimming all of those half square triangles?  Ick!

This is another Mary quilt which I fell in love with.  She made hers in Brown and Pink which looks amazing but when she made the pattern up she did a version in pink and green which is what I fell in love with and hence made.

Now, on to make a backing for it, baste it, quilt it and bind it and have it done 🙂

3 thoughts on “It’s a Flimsy!

  1. I, on the other hand, prefer rectangular quilts. My sons are 6′ tall so a sofa throw that is 72″ long but more like 55-60″ wide covers them nicely. Bed quilts I make to cover the bed with a good drop, so whatever I need is what I make. Isn’t it fun that we all have different viewpoints?

  2. I also prefer rectangular quilts and will do almost anything to avoid a square quilt.

    This looks great in the pink and green!

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